Monday, May 19, 2008

Transition words

Tyler had a birthday party. First, he invited lots of people. Most of them came to the party. There were hot dogs and hamburgers to eat. Next, games were played. Soon, Tyler opened his presents. In conclusion, everyone wished Tyler happy birthday and left, they had a good time.

This weekend I went to Alec's birthday party. We went bowling at Wynnewood Lanes. When we got back, we had a soccer ball ice cream birthday cake for Alec. After cake, I beat Alec's brother, Zack, in Mario Kart Double Dash!! In conclusion, my mom and I went home to see how my dad was feeling.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brain I nver went to a birthday party around here. Are they always fun like you described it to be like???

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Brian I just want to say that i don't relly go to Birthday partys. No one invites me.. :( But i bet i can bet I can beet you in mario cart.... no I am kidin

your freind,

12:09 PM  

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