Compound words of the word "snow"
1. Snowman
2. Snowfall
3. Snowball
4. Snowmobile
5. Snowplow
6. Snowsuit
7. Snowhat
8. Snowboots
9. Snowshoes
10. Snowcone
11. Snowangels
12. Snowfort
13. Snowgloves
In summary, all these compound words start with the word "snow." Another reason for these compound words that they are my favorite compound words to make.
I can make a snowman using snowballs. When I go to carnivals I always have snowcones.
Thank you Brian, I will use these words when I teach my students.
you just did my homework ta
do you by any chance have a list of twenty?.....
I teach English and still wonder why with all the compound word rules in place, and all of the compound snow word examples fitting that, why then, is snow pants still 2 words and not a compound word?
thanks Brian. I'm in my writing class right now and we had to find compound words that start with snow :)
I am using this to teach my students too!
U did my homework!!
More compound words
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